June 22, 2012

West Memphis 3, To face another Hurdle.

I have been keeping updates on this story. A Lawsuit is to be filed involving, The West Memphis Three.
Here is one of Pam Hicks statements.

I'm a citizen of the United States of America.So I don't care if it cost all the money in the world. I'm a wounded soul from Arkansas," Pam Hicks said in April, I deserve the truth from Arkansas.
She is the mother of Stevie Branch, one of the three murdered West Memphis 8-year-old boys.

I posted the link below for more

Thursday afternoon Action News 5 received an e-mail alerting us to a news conference scheduled for Friday morning in Marion, Arkansas. The only details said it involved the West Memphis Three and a lawsuit. We have learned it involves the mother of one of the murdered 8-year-old boys.

I knew that once they were freed.
This was not going away. Well here it is, The mother of one of the young murdered boys is filing a suit against the West Memphis 3.

I can't even begin to feel her pain.
I pray for all the families that suffered through this tragedy. The only thing the does bother me. The 3 men were released with a plea bargain saying there were guilty, even though none of the West Memphis 3 boys DNA was found at the scene of the crime, and the lawyers blotched the whole trial.
I hope they do find who the killer is so at least there will be closure
for all involved in this case.
Rights to this Story belong to,
Channel 5, WMC-TV. Kait News


Anna Baty.

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