June 22, 2012

Moments from Anna Bee: West Memphis 3, To face another Hurdle.

Moments from Anna Bee: West Memphis 3, To face another Hurdle.: I have been keeping updates on this story. A Lawsuit is to be filed involving, The West Memphis Three. Here is one of Pam Hicks statements.

This was not going away. Well here it is, The mother of one of the young murdered boys is filing a suit against the West Memphis 3.

I can't even begin to feel her pain.
I pray for all the families that suffered through this tragedy. The only thing the does bother me. The 3 men were released with a plea bargain saying there were guilty, even though none of the West Memphis 3 boys DNA was found at the scene of the crime, and the lawyers blotched the whole trial.
I hope they do find who the killer is so at least there will be closure.

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