Thoughts and Inspirational messages from a natural author. I haven't studied to be a writer but have learned how to use my tools to grow.
February 29, 2012
No more Abuse.
February 25, 2012
My Love will never Fade.
and their happiness means more to you than your own.
When you wake up to see them and you go to bed beside them and always feel safe.
Knowing you're happy to make sacrifices just to see the person smile.
When you can't picture the rest of your life without that person.
When all these things describe your feelings for someone,
that's how you know you're in love.
Then you have the feeling of how will your life be without him.
That is something we can't image we don't ever want to be Lonely.
The strength in us is stronger then we know,
but we still want to be held if just for a little while.
Then at that moment you hold it all right beside you.
Then it remains forever in your "Heart"
2-25-2012, Anna Baty.
Moments from Anna Bee: Love is his sweet lips kissing me softy as his lip...
February 24, 2012
February 23, 2012
Arkansas State Reform, Some good, Some Not!!!!!!
February 22, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: I will not change.
I will not change.
Written by Anna Baty. 2-22-2012
February 21, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: Happiness and Rain.
February 17, 2012
Arkansas Appliance Rebate Program opens with $1.4 Million in Refunds.
February 16, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
February 15, 2012
I'm a Friend, Not for using. !!!!!!
’m a Friend, Not for using. !!!!!!
I did not write this to Offend my friends. This is merely me saying, I will not be, Used, as a doormat or a Sympathy card.
February 14, 2012
February 13, 2012
Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Anna Baty
Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Some say that there are only two things in the world,
God and fear; love and fear are the only two things.
There's only one evil in the world, fear.
There's only one good in the world, love.
Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Some say that there are only two things in the world,
God and fear; love and fear are the only two things.
There's only one evil in the world, fear.
There's only one good in the world, love.
Moments from Anna Bee: Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Moments from Anna Bee: Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Ignorance and fear, and Violence.
Ignorance and fear, ignorance caused by fear,
February 9, 2012
Dream, Believe, Succeed.
Dream, Believe, Succeed.
Being motivated by the dreams
I stop doubting myself,
and started pursuing my dreams.
February 8, 2012
February 7, 2012
Missouri teenager admitted stabbing, and slitting the 9 yr old's throat.
Missouri teenager admitted stabbing, and slitting the 9 yr old’s throat.
Alyssa Bustamante, 15-year-old, Teen who butchered 9-year-old Elizabeth Kay Olten, October 2009, wrote that killing was amazing, enjoyable in her journal before she went to church.
February 6, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: The "Angels", with the pretty white "Wings".
The "Angels", with the pretty white "Wings".
We use to wake up run down the stairs.

Then one cold winter day,
Daddy said let"s go camping boys,
and sing along on the way.
Me and my brother all we could say,
Is "Daddy" why can"t Mommy come with us today.
He looked at his boys and roughly said,
Mommy is tired and just wants to rest her head.
Riding with daddy to the campsite,
My brother softly whispered somethings not right.
We lay close together my brother held tight.
Daddy said you'll see mother in the morning,
and it will be alright.
So the next morning all excited we helped daddy pack.
Jumped in the car for a fun trip back.
I kept having this feeling somethings not right.
So i kept to myself as i held my brother tight.
As we got closer i couldn't be still,
excited to love on mommy, and always will.
As dad opened the door we ran though the house,
hollering for mommy but she wasn't there.
I looked at our daddy with an angry stare.
Where is she daddy and what did you do.
I know you took mommy i see the clues to.
Me and my brother all we do is cry,
So i asked grandma and grandpa,
Where is our mommy and why does daddy lie.
He said she would be there when he opened the door,
That is the day we never seen mommy no more.
As the years passed by i still cry,
Asking my daddy tell me why.
I know what you did and i won't tell,
Just bring back our mommy alive and well.
As the weekend came all excited my brother and me,
Daddy's got mommy for both of us to see.
A well dressed lady she picks us up,
A rose in my hand to cheer our mommy up.
As daddy opened the door he shoved us both in,
Locked the lady outside so she couldn't come in.
All of a sudden my brother started to cry,
I held him real close and said "Daddy" please why?
I knew right there as i felt a touch,
It was our "Mommy" lifting us up.
We are in "Heaven" with mommy you see,
She hold us close as we begin to sing.
See sons we are now "Angels",
With the pretty white "Wings".
Written by, Anna Baty. Feb, 6th , 2012
Susan Powell, Missing since 2009
Charlie Powell, 6, Braden Powell, 4.
Passed away on, Feb, 5th, 2012
"Josh Powell", I will remember him not as a "Man" but a "Coward"
Josh Powell”, I will remember him not as a “Man” but a “Coward”
This is the link to the story of a man “Josh Powell” who decided to put “Death” in his hands and decided his “Sons” Fates should be “Death”
February 3, 2012
February 2, 2012
February 1, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: How i remember you.
How i remember you.

How do i remember your kiss,
I would say your lips taste like sweet honey melon.
How do i remember your the color of your eyes,
I would say they were the color of a beautiful blue ocean.
How do i remember you holding me for the last time,
I would say it was a warm tense imbrace,
as you whispered softly in my ear.
"I Loved you." yesterday, today, and Forever,
Then he slowly slipped away in the comfort of my arms.
Written by, Anna Baty, 1-31-12