Thoughts and Inspirational messages from a natural author. I haven't studied to be a writer but have learned how to use my tools to grow.
January 31, 2012
Life's Mirror
Life’s Mirror
There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,
There are souls that are pure and true,
Then give the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.
January 30, 2012
A Poem of Hope
A Poem of Hope
Never go gloomy, use your mind,
Hope is a better companion than fear;
Providence, ever benignant and kind,
Gives with a smile what you take with a tear;
All will be right,
Look to the light.
Hoxie Elementary School, Mother ask's why i was not informed.
This does go on and it”s not just at Hoxie School.
“It happened at 11:05 a.m. I was never notified by Hoxie Elementary School. When I got there are 2:20 p.m. to check her out to take her to the dentist, her arm was swollen,” said mother Brenda Shultz. And after a trip to the doctor, found out her wrist was broken in two places.
What do you think about Miley Cyrus, wardrobe change ?
January 28, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: Cancer is my Name.
Cancer is my Name.
January 26, 2012
Self Love is the Key to Life.
Whenever you need a little self-esteem boost, read these inspiring and motivational self-love quotes. In fact, jot down your favorite and tape it to your mirror or computer to help remind you to honor yourself. Share them with friends.
January 25, 2012
Commodities will be given out on Feb,1st, 2012
January 24, 2012
January 23, 2012
January 20, 2012
Moments from Anna Bee: Super Bug
Super Bug

Well its got a hold of me now its been day Three.
I cant eat or sleep it comes without making a peep.
I want to fight it but do not know how, I figured it out
this thing is got to stop now.
No more will you get under my skin, I'm frail and weak
its trying to win. I lay in my bed its attacking my skin.
I fight this hectic thing with all i got, Now at the office
went to the Doc and took the dang Shot.
Its that time of Year we all will fear when that "Super Bug"
comes attacking this Year. So hears some advice coming
your way, watch out all because he's here to Stay.
He's out for revenge attaching 100 more,
So watch out Super Bug I'll squash you to the floor.
Written by Anna Baty.
January 19, 2012
Positive Inspirational Quotes.
Positive Inspirational Quotes.
I know some days you feel like you can’t cope and you feel like everything and everyone is against you. But that isn’t the case.Vidtown for all your music and video needs.
Vidtown for all your music and video needs. All the latest music videos all the time! Nothing but music and music news. Ever get tired of searching and can never find whats just right. Well here you get to see all the songs and videos you will need and if he doesn’t have it request it and he will find it for you. Here is a Video done by the Country singer Danny Baty to all his fans. It is an Amazing video.
January 16, 2012
Will it be a struggle, will it be a fight?
I wonder, will I win? A great friend of mine wrote this i wanted to share her words she knows who she is.
January 15, 2012
I wrote this because i hope we can find the time to talk to a child, a mother
a man, who is depressed and thinks that no one cares, Let show them we do. Reach out to stop, Depression and suicide.
Written by Anna Baty.
Moments from Anna Bee: I Chose to Die.
I Chose to Die.
January 12, 2012
Reasoning with an Unreasonable Toddler
January 5, 2012
Look out your back window and you will see the abuse.
I know it's hard to see and even watch, but if i can stop one,
Mother or Father, or anyone from abusing a child.
I will stop at nothing to keep these messages going