
May 10, 2016

"Stop and Notice".

"Stop and Notice".


Life holds so much beauty. Stop and Notice it. Notice the warm of a small child and their smiling faces. Smell the rain and feel the coolness of the wind. Take the time in your life to notice the small things around you because soon they will be gone. Live your life to the fullest, but also, "Stop and Notice" take the time to enjoy your life. 

Laugh when you see the funny moments, Cry when you need to know matter if others are around. Remember above all live every moment being happy with your life and with those around you. Because we all only have one life don't waste it being unhappy. Take the time to, 

"Stop and Notice".

Rascal Flatts My Wish (with lyrics)

Written by, 

Anna Baty, 5-10-16