
December 8, 2014

Beautiful Christmas lights in my town of, Walnut Ridge, Ar

Growing up in a town you look forward to Christmas time. That's when you get to drive around and look at the festive lights all over time and you hold the excitement in. I want to say Thank You, to those who put a smile on the children's faces and of course us grownups to. I want to take the time to show you some of the Christmas lights in my town. Walnut Ridge, Ar. Thanks to the Walnut Ridge park, and to the others in the town who show these festive lights.

Written by, 
Anna Baty, 12-8-14

December 7, 2014

Stunning women of the 50's and of today's world

believe that there is beauty in age which is not always on the surface.  I truly believe that “age is a state of mind” and we should embrace it!

As you will see the amazing beauty of the stunning women of the 50's.  I believe their beauty will always remain in women of today's world. That is why I say my daughter Samantha Mansfield, holds the beauty of today as the women did in the 50's and her beauty is truly captivating.

Written by,
Anna Baty, 12-7-14

December 1, 2014

Let's have unity not deprecation.

Somewhere shared this with me and I say let's make this world a better place by showing our Love for one another.

Let's stop the Hate & Anger. Pass it on.